Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Night of the Virgin Moon

For 11:11 I was busy creating another one of a kind talisman out of sterling silver. This piece represents the alchemical cycle of the Ourobouros except this is not the traditional Ourobouros yet is my rendition of the sort. The head is an eyeball instead of the serpents face along with other stylized details. I will post a photo further into the week.

Cosmically speaking today was a busy day... At 3:37 a.m. Mercury was trine with Uranus meaning that Mercury and Uranus were 120 degrees apart. This creates a harmonizing energy of the aspects of Mercury and Uranus toward the Earth. A union of cosmic consciousness, communication, travel, and thought invoking revolutionary change. Then at 3:29 p.m. the Sun representing the character of the ego, was sextile (60 degrees) with our luminous Moon representing the inner self, emotions, and psyche. The energy influencing both the Sun and the Moon are cooperatively working together on this path. 4:11 p.m. Mercury was square with Neptune signifying oneness in thought, love, and the connection we have during the planets spiritual awakening. As the day progresses into night we will experience yet another cosmic alliance as the Moon moves to the the path of Uranus at 8:57. For the second time today we experience direct connection to the cosmic consciousness of the self. This is a signal of revolutionary change within the being of the self, a continual awaking as we further enter deeper into the season of the Winter Solstice. At 180 degrees apart from the orbit of Earth we can experience total polarity shift within the being of the self and the understand the nature of this psyche. 11:13 the Moon aligns with Mercury at 60 degrees with the Earth. This opens the door to communication with the inner self. Opening the emotion of the psyche to travel through the cosmic realms. This is also the time our Moon travels void of course from Leo into the arms of Virgo. As we enter the Virgin Moon lets remember to act out of compassion, deepening our understanding to the problems of this reality, open our minds, and tune in to the work that needs to be done.

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